Thank You to Our Donors

Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!!
How do we say Thank You? Our gratitude is overflowing for the appreciation and support our audiences have shown through the years. From our first concert, Love and Nature, held at the St. Louis Art Museum to our Celebration concerts, our hearts have been warmed by sharing our love of music with you.
We want to extend our thanks and gratitude for the financial support the Friends of the American Chamber Chorale have shown. Your gifts have helped “behind the scenes” in so many ways.
And now, we extend a special recognition to those who have made this season possible:
The Steward Family Foundation is a long-time contributor to the Chorale. In addition to its direct support of the Chorale, it supported Salem’s creation of the Salem Chamber Orchestra, with Stephen Morton as its Music Director, to play in Salem’s Traditional Worship Services. These same musicians now comprise the American Chamber Chorale Orchestra.
World Wide Technology provides financial support to many major arts organizations and charities throughout the St. Louis region. We thank WWT for their generous support.
Salem United Methodist Church has been an integral part of our concerts by providing rehearsal space and a venue for many of our concerts over the years and all our concerts this final season.
The St. Louis Regional Arts Council supports many of the arts in St. Louis. We are grateful for their grant to support this final season.
And finally, Marsha Armentrout, Executive Director, has provided financial support, her love and encouragement over the last 24 years.
We welcome your continued appreciation and support in this 24th concert – celebrating our love of sharing music.
Let’s Celebrate!
In addition, we would like to thank all of you who have contributed over the life of the Chorale. The following list shows all of you who have contributed as “Friends” since 2010:
Ameren Missouri
Donna Marie Campbell Charitable Fund
Lutheran Community Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
Steward Family Foundation
World Wide Technology
Richard Adler
George Albertus & Laura Lambrix
Emily Allison & Brandon Laird
Marsha Armentrout
Shirley Asselmeier
Philip & Rachel Barnes
Mary Dianna Barron
Michael Becker
Stephanie Beinhorn
Shirley Bild
Paulette Black
David Boger
Richard & Marilyn Brickson
Marcia Brown
Charlie & Jan Buehrle
Mary Ann Burns
Wesley Burns
Mike & Kimberly Cahill
William & Lynne Cannon
Valeria Cestari
Donna & Larry Charpiot
Jerry & Peg Chulick
Alice Clark
Gregory & Arlene Clement
Michael Comens
Vander & Kim Corliss
Ann Corrigan
Dan Coughlin
Allieze Ruby Curry
Anna & Bill Dahlin
Gail Davis
Josh & Dani Davis
Carol Derington
Steve & Rita Diel
Evangeline Diel
John & Lisa Dinga
David Doetzel
Steven Donaubauer
Sheila Dugan
Doyle Dumas
Nancy Ellis
Daniel & Joan Eng-Hellinger
Kathryn Fischer
Lori Fowler
Daniel Fry
Lynn Furgerson
Dianne G’Sell
Roger & Leslie Gennari
Nancy & Michael Georgen
Joan Gettemeyer
Richard & Patricia Gill
Paul Goddard
Katie Goetzinger
Anna Goodman
Robert Goodwin
James B. Govreau
Rosemary Griffard
Catherine Griffith
Gloria Alice Haberlah
Lynn & Jaye Hague
Audrey Haley
Suleiman Hamway
Vickie Hankammer
Elizabeth Hanna
Madeline Haraway
Phyllis Harding
Marilyn Harrington
Olivia Hartung
Susan Hayes
William & Rose Marie Heinze
Mary Hitchcock-Reinhart
Joe & Carol Hoffman
Patricia Hollander
James & Ann Holton
Joan Huelsing
Darrell & Marty-Renner Hughes
Joseph & Christine Humphreys
Ronald Hunt
Steven & Deann Jacobs
Susan E. Kane
Margean Kastner
Stephen & Gail Keil
Dr. David & Dr. Marsha Kerr
Zachary & Karen Kersulis
Jayne Kessler
Jane Keuss
A. Michael & Nancy D. Klein
Dennis & Susan Klussman
Donna Kraatz
Larry & Janice Kreuger
Jim & Mary Lou Kruegar
Gregory & Diane Lacey
Robert & Velja Lacey
Scott & Eileen Lambert
Jeannine Larson
Barbara Leighton
Kent Lewis
Stephen & Anne Limbaugh
Arthur & Barbara Lind
Ralph Wiechert & Linda Lockwood
Norm & Judi Linville
Robert Loewenstein & Marilyn Schear
Sandra Lundgren
Brock M. Lutz
Audrey Lytle
Edna Maag
Dennis Manning
Alan Marquardt
Susan Matlof
Jerry & Mary McFarland
Diana McMahon
Kathy Mead
James Mealey
Kyle & Anne Merrigan
Sharon Miller
Michael & Ruth Ann Miller
Barbara Miller
Jeanine & Jeffrey Moeller
Bruce & Cindy Moeller
Barb & Terry Moore
Jim & Jackie Mullins
Philip W. Neale
Mary Ellen Norman
Bill & Wendy Norman
Catherine Nosacka
Douglas & Kathryn O’Leary
Francis O’Leary
Brice E. Phillips
Michael & Sarah Pierson Wolff
Vanni Prichard & Steve Culbertson
Matthew Ramsey
Skip & Kathleen Ramsey
Tim Rice
Rachel Robison
Michael & Dynette Rogier
Shelley Rothwell
W. C. Rowe
Marilyn S. Schear
John Schneider
Peggy Scott
Martha Shaffer
Jeanne Shaw
Devon Sommer
Richard C. & Barbara L. Sommer
Michael & Carol Stein
David & Thelma Steward
Donald & Carol Stookey
Joe & Terri Swan
Scott & Kim Thomas
Michael Thomas
George & Maryjo Thornburgh
Arlie & Eileen Traughber
Ronald Travis
Michael & Linda Wehner
Fred & Shirley Wehrenberg
Emma Wessel
Maloney Whitfield
Edward G. Wilson
Wendy Wolf
Jean Wunderlich
Roy Wunsch
Jacqueline Zeller
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